Yet another blog.

There is virtually NO change in poll since he started an aggressive campaign on PA.

Obama is still leading in double digits, and PA has been blue state for a long time and I really don't think I would see red on the election day.


This is completely waste of time and money; he really needs to focus on Flordia, Ohio, Virginia (I believe he can take back) and for god's sake, North Carolina.

If he can regain/defend these state and get some of west states back (Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada) he has a decent chance to win.


It is a sad to see my favorite candidate is losing this election; I really want to see McCain as a president of USA, not Obama.

on Oct 28, 2008

I wouldn't say he's losing.  He's just about even in the polls that seem somewhat accurate, even though they have been oversampling democrats by as much as 15 points.


on Oct 28, 2008

I, personally, have issues with the way the McCain campaign has been handling Obama and the States they chose to campaign in. But I have to believe either one of 2 things:

1) either they know what they are doing (considering Obama is no longer as confident as he once was with all his "this isn't over yet" speeches and with Biden taking 3 steps back for every step forward Obama takes) and believe they can actually with this election with these tactics (strange ones I have to admit).


2) they are the biggest idiots on this planet and we may actually be better off with Obama in the end.

I chose to believe in the former but hate to think the latter is possible, at least that is how they are making me feel.

on Oct 28, 2008

My hypothesis is: The sampling being done is in more populated areas, such as Philadelphia, University Park, and all. These places (as far as i've been told) have a tendency for people to be more liberal/democrat, and so it's possible that it just seems like Obama is leading because of the samplings. Though that doesn't necessarily mean Obama is; ID did say they've been over sampling democrats by ~15 points.


on Oct 28, 2008

Also, looking at the various polls, it looks that even if McCain keeps the states he's apparently sliding in, gets back the ones he's losing by small margins, and takes Ohio, OR Virginia...he'd till lose, but not by much. I may be wrong, but that's what I've seen after looking around.

on Oct 29, 2008

Probably for the same reason Obama keeps holding rallies to defend it. It must be in play. Obama's been in PA a lot... and he seemed to think that he needed to bring the Clinton's with him to close the deal.

on Oct 29, 2008

perhaps this is what shooting in the dark is like. despite evidence to the contrary anything seems possible. or perhaps desperation takes many forms.

on Oct 29, 2008

Probably for the same reason Obama keeps holding rallies to defend it.

I think that about says it all.  Apparently both candidates are not believing the MSM.  Which is the one right thing that Obama has done in his campaign.  It only took the democrats 8 years to learn that lesson - with friends like the MSM - who needs enemies?

on Oct 29, 2008

yeah, Obama and Biden practically live there.

on Nov 04, 2008

Well, so far Obama will win PA landslide.


So much for the wasted money, McCain.  :/