Yet another blog.

This is more like a trick question, but I think I found a bug that for some reason, it decreases the minimum distance for setting a city.

I think minimum distance is like 9, and I just realized I am creating a city right next to it! (only 5 tiles away)

on Nov 16, 2012

In my experience the pioneer only measures the distance from the next city hub to calculate if he can build a city or not, however once you try building improvemnts they will not be place able, at least that's how  it went for me

on Nov 16, 2012

It is bugged. I just found it.

You can try set up the city distance for custom map size, but the game ignores it.


Oh well, since Map Pack is coming, I guess Stardock is going to find this out in hard way anyways...

on Nov 16, 2012

I was wondering about that, the map editor seem bugged as well. So i wasnt sure where the guide using the map editor. Hopefully someday we can get more stable and use to use map editor.

on Nov 16, 2012

In an area totally full of potential build sites, setting down a city wipes out the tile properties in a circle with a radius of 6 squares outside the city from what I can tell. That's a pretty broad swath given that it won't let you build anything in swamps, on the other side of a river, or within 4 tiles of another city occupied square. That's another good thing about snaking is you can completely bypass that issue.

on Nov 16, 2012

build anything in swamps

FYI you can build on swamps, if you "Raise Earth" on them first.

on Nov 16, 2012

This is more like a trick question, but I think I found a bug that for some reason, it decreases the minimum distance for setting a city.

I think minimum distance is like 9, and I just realized I am creating a city right next to it! (only 5 tiles away)

First of all, the distance differs depending on the size of the map.


You can change the distance between cities in different map sizes by altering these values in ElementalDefs.xml





on Nov 16, 2012

In my experience the pioneer only measures the distance from the next city hub to calculate if he can build a city or not, however once you try building improvemnts they will not be place able, at least that's how it went for me

If you mean that your city can get squeezed like this 

You can change these values <BuildableTiles>50</BuildableTiles> throughout CoreImprovements.xml to 0 to disable that. Although there may be other issues that arise as a result, never really tried it.

on Nov 16, 2012

is it just me or that pic is pretty funny?


on Nov 16, 2012


quoting post
This is more like a trick question, but I think I found a bug that for some reason, it decreases the minimum distance for setting a city.

I think minimum distance is like 9, and I just realized I am creating a city right next to it! (only 5 tiles away)

First of all, the distance differs depending on the size of the map.


You can change the distance between cities in different map sizes by altering these values in ElementalDefs.xml






Yes, that's what I found, and anything else does not work.


i.e if you make a new entry like



It won't work. The game engine won't read it. Oh well, as I said, Stardock will find out this soon enough.