Yet another blog.
Reinventing the wheel never goes well in the end.
Published on May 12, 2013 By kwm1800 In Legendary Heroes

It's like watching typical Linux desktop Distro development. For instance, for more than a decade, developers and OEMs have struggling with proper ALSA support. Just when we finally got a stable, nearly fully supported audio system for Linux, BOOM! Suddenly Pulseaudio comes out nowhere because apparently someone needs some features that 99.5% of people won't use ever, making the whole investment on Linux audio moot. The best thing is that the features which are actually so badly needed for people (like, as a just average computer person, I have no knowledge and unwilling to re-compile Kernel or install specific distro just for low-latency support for productive work or just listening to high-quality music.) are ignored to oblivion.


And very surprisingly, despite being developed by a company very familiar with Windows development, LH follows the above example.



1. Reinventing the wheel.... by breaking it further.


By no means the whole RPG system in FE is perfect. There are some glare flaws here and there, but it has still far better than 'improved' Legendary Heroes's RPG system. Yes, RNG element is indeed double-edged sword, and I am pretty sure some people still prefer randomized traits over pre-defined paths. From my personal opinion, it is actually a step in right direction, but this is very subjective matter. At best we can say it is 'tweaked', but no way we can claim the current LH system as 'improved'.

The problem is with very short release time, those 'tweaked' features are hardly complete. An example would be removal of encumbrance. Instead of further refine the current system, Stardock decides to remove it entirely and made heroes and troops depended on specific traits. By doing so, a lot of hero items and balance features are completely out of whack.

Sure, these can be fixed later, but my point is that Stardock did not have to do this in the first place. Like, instead of making pre-defined paths and introducing yet another large amount of hard-coded features that making the game further un-moddable as if current state is not enough to troll modders, they could slightly tweak current RNG system and enhance encumbrance system.

Really, those two are probably only needed for the whole hero/RPG system from FE. Other than it needed more contents, the system itself was the most completed feature in FE. There are far more broken things that absolutely need to be fixed, yet Stardock chooses the most finished element and decides to re-invent. And of course, with shorter period it is just mess and half-finished. I mean like outdated XP split system. Please let D&D rules die already and move on to more modern system... like the one FE kinda has.

I am so shocked that somehow LH turned out to be far less completed game than FE, despite further man-power and assets have been poured.



2. Ignored crucial aspects..... get ignored, AGAIN.


There are issues that are as old as WOM days, only to be never fixed and properly ignored, while new problems keep coming out, only to be (again) not fixed. One of the biggest problem is that AI never plays with same rule as player. Yes, no way AI can handle quests as human players do, but that's not my point. There are things AI simply ignores while players cannot ignore, such as....


Treaties and pretty much the whole diplomacy as whole.

Resources and research bonuses (probably byproduct of diplomacy issue)

Glitches caused by the game engine (infamous city raze issue.)


No, I don't expect AI to be good in the first place. With current technologies, AI sucks and will be bad for my lifetime. What I want is that AIs should follow the same rules that applied upon players. Currently it does not happen at all. Today I see the resource stat of AIs again.... and AGAIN I see negative resources such as -245 metal and -100 mana. Why a human player cannot have negative resources when AI can. Either a human player should have access to go negative resource or AIs should not allow to have go negative resources. There are more issues such as broken modding and never-fulfilled promises on illusive python conversation, and dry 4X elements as well.



3. Some get actually improved/fixed/added. But do they outweigh negative points?


Sure, we got a new campaign. While it is really nothing more than a custom game with pre-defined positions and quests, but I do see some efforts are done on the campaign. I also see there are some new quests a.k.a random events to sauce the game with new items, which I like. But there are just too few to say LH is better than FE. If Stardock did not waste effort and money on reinventing hero parts, and instead focused on adding more quests, more items and more new monsters, LH would had been actually worthwhile to buy it.



4. The problems of Elemental... From least problematic to the most severe issue that making the game not-worthwhile.


Currently, I say LH worth probably 20 bucks or less IF a buyer is a first buyer for Elemental series. For those who bought FE already, even upgrade price is not really worth it.... if the prices go below 5 bucks, do consider picking it up for added contents alone. FE is still the most wise/best choice and it is definitely worth for current price (30 bucks) Those who have not picked up EF yet, you guys should pick up FE already. FE is far better than WoM and definitely better than LH despite having less contents.

Now, in order to make LH to be worth for 40 bucks, and making following expansions/DLC/new games Stardock worth to consider buying, following things should happen, to the least important to the most important.


(6) There needs to be the whole balance overhaul. Thanks to unnecessary tweaks, the game balance is just... destroyed. Someone needs to pick the pieces and put it together to match the quality of FE.

Why this is no.6 : Balance is also a subjective matter, and can be fixed/tweaked to good extent, even with bare-minimum modding capability the game has.


(5) The game needs more contents. For example, we need crapload of 'Epic' quests, some more 'Deadly' quests and a few 'Strong' quests. And a new item or two.

Why this is no.5 : Like balance issue, adding things aren't hard except asset parts. And the game already has a lot of contents.... only problem is the concentration of contents distributed is unbalanced.


(4) There are just so many bugs it is not even funny (almost as bad as Minecraft case). We need to fix the game before add any more stuffs.

Why this is no.4 : Fortunately, the game is definitely well-playable for most of people, and most of bugs are only recognizable only when players get used to the game and know the mechanics.


(3) AIs : No I don't mean making AIs smarter. What I want is AIs should follow the same rules as human player forced to follow. Otherwise a human player and AIs play different game. This completely breaks immersion of the game. Seriously no more negative resources, ridiculous diplomacy please.

Why this is no.3 : Other games aren't that better. Only problem is that Elemental's AIs are not playing same rules. Otherwise thanks to Brad's skill, other parts of AIs are quite decent.


(2) Modding : Seriously, there is a reason why almost all of old-timers and prominent modders stopped working on the game. DLCs and expansion packs in this age won't save your game and restore your company's reputation, but good modding support will. 

Why this is no.2 : Modding alone can fix all above 4 problems by itself. If we can mod the AI and mod without bugs, hard-coded stuffs and inconsistencies, I would be modding the game right now instead of making this another whining post, and modding section would had been much more vivid. Still, I must admit even modding is not the most severe problem of this game... so here no.1 comes...


(1) Boring early game : My opinion on early game of ALL of Stardock's 4X games, with few reservations : unbelievably bad.

Just go play games like even... heck, Warlock : Master Of Arcane. The difference is so huge in this aspect that makes people wonder whether Stardock is intentionally trying to make a boring game.

Actually this early game issue has been kept improving (yes, WoM has much worse early game. Believe it or not), but still, the early game is like a chore which is supposed to be attract players to play the game more. Yes, quests really helped this issue, among with all of tweaks being done, but we still need MORE early game spells, MORE choices, and MORE interesting stuffs to explore about. Make base movement allowance to 3 from 2, and buff ALL professions, including even so-called overpowered BeastLord and Armorer. And all factions should be able to make more interesting units other than spearmen, militia, scout and pioneer.

Why this is no.1 : Despite it is also can be fixed by modding (wow, modding is indeed a magic wand, isn't it?) the issue has been so overdue yet so severe that needs immediate fixes before the interests in this game dies away.





Last thought before I finish this post : Stardock complains people whine too much compared to other forums. I choked myself when I first read such statement. This is the most stupid comment/claim I've ever heard from both the Internet and real life.


People whine at something because they like it and want something more, and willing to pay if the company delivers. If people decide the company won't do it and lost faith, they will simply walk away, not whine. I mean, why they have to waste their time when it is just not worth to do so? Like Demigod forum pretty much dead after 3 months of the release, and pitiful post counts on SupCom 2 related forums, people will stop whine and stop paying attention to the company. Do you see any forums still discussing about Dragon Age 2? No, you actually see more posts about Dragon Age Origin. If the amount of whining posts has declined in forums, it means that customers lost interests in your products, and they are probably not going to come back (and everyone probably knows getting a new customer is several times harder than retaining a current customer, right?)

I bought Elemental : Limited Edition and also bought FE on steam despite I did not have to. And I pretty much bought all of Stardock's games til this point. After how modding support went and incidents happened here and there, I am not sure if I buy any Stardock's games in future. Sure, I will be probably buy some more Elemental DLC/Expansions since I have already invested in Elemental, but no way I will buy any new games right away after all of these problems.

Comments (Page 4)
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on May 14, 2013

I wholeheartedly agree with almost everything the OP said. 

on May 14, 2013

Two things:


1.  Diplomacy is the Achilles Heel of this game - GC2 was a masterpiece that may not be replicated in any game any time soon. In fact the AI in that game was a work of art.




on May 14, 2013

I disagree with a lot of what the OP said. I think LH is an much better game than FE, despite its flaws. I do wish they had at least another month to work on bug fixes, balancing and AI however.


I agree.  I do miss the Dynasty system & dual build / train system from the earlier games, and I wish they'd do *something* with all that water just sitting around, but in my opinion FH is much more *fun* than either of it's predecessors.  But what do I know, I like playing Warlock too & apparently that game "suxors" as well.

on May 14, 2013


Now, if you want to complain about something in LH, complain about the diplomacy system. That is the single biggest disappointment in the Elemental games IMO. 

Yes, it is.  Any chance you can fix it?  I know you have the ability because I own GalCiv 2.  It just boggles my mind how a LH faction can go from neutral to hating my faction, to liking my faction within a 15 turn span, without actually communicating with me.

on May 14, 2013

@Frogboy - some good posts there thanks.

Now, if you want to complain about something in LH, complain about the diplomacy system. That is the single biggest disappointment in the Elemental games IMO.  

We have been!     And yes I agree.

yes. diplomacy expansion would be pretty sweet.

Yes pls me too, i'd pay for if it... hell put it on kickstarter and i'd sign up tomorrow.

on May 14, 2013

The final missing pieces...


One part pirate, one part diplomat, one part baby's momma. 


Then we can call this thing done. 

on May 14, 2013


Quoting Frogboy, reply 31
Now, if you want to complain about something in LH, complain about the diplomacy system. That is the single biggest disappointment in the Elemental games IMO. 

Yes, it is.  Any chance you can fix it?  I know you have the ability because I own GalCiv 2.  It just boggles my mind how a LH faction can go from neutral to hating my faction, to liking my faction within a 15 turn span, without actually communicating with me.

In terms of relations, that system works pretty well. The situation you describe can't happen simply because the evaluation system doesn't occur that often. The reasons they do or don't like you are displayed in the foreign policy window. The more negatives, the less they'll like you.

In addition, while in the beta the AI could break its treaty obligations, that bug was fixed (that's why we have betas <g>).

A lot of the things I've read in this thread simply aren't applicable and haven't been in awhile or we simply disagree. A beta isn't a released game. Condemning us on bugs in a beta version, especially after those bugs were addressed isn't very constructive. 

My suggestion to the OP is not to play betas of games. The sausage factory that is game development isn't for everyone.

I'm renaming the topic since its a bit ridiculous to make a rant about about bugs encountered in the beta and then refer to it as the "final verdict".  

on May 14, 2013

The team has a strong core of empire building to work off of, which is great. I think most people agree with this. There needs to be another pass on faction differentiation, since that has kind of fallen by the wayside, and you now have a grand total of 1 interesting race (Resoln).

IMO the game just needs more interesting and more powerful heroes, including better items, more powerful early game, more access to XP (splitting or not doesn't mater, the amount and spread of XP matters), and WAY WAY more interesting skill trees.

My opinion on the last: there should not be a single trait that the design team feels is boring. Leveling up is rare enough that it should not be a disappointment to the player at any point.


on May 14, 2013

OK, I've been trying to hold back a bit, but now it's time to say how I really feel...


Dear Developers.

Please stop making this game more like Civilization or (insert title).  If I want to play a game like Civilization, I'll buy that title.  I don't want you guys to make another Civ game.

I originally bought Elemental because it did a lot of things differently than Civ does.  But I am currently seeing a lot of Civ-like mechanics/conventions/design choices in the current version of LH.  In fact, I'd still be regularly playing the original Elemental game/design regularly today IF it was as stable as LH now is, with a few added features you've come up with since that release.

Sure, there are still some innovative concepts that have survived.  But this game continues to get dumbed down, and become even more Civ-like, at a time when many of us expect more depth and sophistication in our designs, and better from you guys specifically.  This was no time to be taking Occham's Razor to the extreme.

You brought us Galactic Civilizations, an award winning design and certainly one of the Definitive 4x titles out there.  A good number of us want more the magic of THAT game in this one.  In fact, this IS why a lot of us bought Elemental in the first place, because we had faith that you could successfully bring many of good features/innovations from that title across to this one, along with a bunch of new innovations that you've shown us the ability to bring us in the past.

And there were some deeper concepts and intricate game mechanics in Galactic Civilizations, and one phrase I'd NEVER use in describing that game is dumbed down.

Is LH a decent game?  To a degree yes.  Is it worthy of it's predecessors, though? A good number of us think not quite.  It'll probably sell fairly well, but the Elemental Franchise could be SOOOO much better than this result.  And it breaks my heart to see you guys 'settling' instead of innovating further.

Get back to your roots please.  The flotsam of good features that have been thrown on the pyre is sickening, really.  AND NO, I am not referring to Encumberance, and I don't appreciate you trying to imply that this is THE major issue a good number of us have with the most recent iterations of LH (while it was a nice innovation that a lot of us would like to see kept as an option at least, that's such a minor issue in the grand scheme of things really).

Unfortunately, Brad has recently alluded that this might just be the last iteration of Elemental, so it's probably too late for an appeal to have any effect.  Which is sad.  So, this essentially means we will NEVER have properly working Dynasties in Elemental, Boats (outside of scenarios), Unique Tech Trees for each race, actual dungeon maps instead of the repurposed maps, more flexibility in Hero/Champion design (on the game end, not the coding end), and a good number of other things that have been mentioned numerous times.

Sure, the modders will try to rectify some of these issues (note what they did with further balancing the Tech Trees and such in TOA after you guys shifted focus from that game, not to mention all of the cool mods).  But a lot of the above mentioned Elemental issues are beyond their control/reach.

So, I'm guessing this appeal is too little too late, but if LH does well enough to warrant a fourth look, PLEASE get back to your roots, and reincorporate the design decisions you originally made (your 'gut instincts' as it were) into the current engine.  Your initial instincts were on the mark, the implementation just wasn't given a fair shake.

And stop trying to clone Civ or (insert title)!

on May 14, 2013


Sure, there are still some innovative concepts that have survived.  But this game continues to get dumbed down, and become even more Civ-like, at a time when many of us expect more depth and sophistication in our designs, and better from you guys specifically.  This was no time to be taking Occham's Razor to the extreme.


Get back to your roots please.  The flotsam of good features that have been thrown on the pyre is sickening, really.  AND NO, I am not referring to Encumberance, and I don't appreciate you trying to imply that this is THE major issue a good number of us have with the most recent iterations of LH (while it was a nice innovation that a lot of us would like to see kept as an option at least, that's such a minor issue in the grand scheme of things really).

Unfortunately, Brad has recently alluded that this might just be the last iteration of Elemental, so it's probably too late for an appeal to have any effect.  Which is sad.  So, this essentially means we will NEVER have properly working Dynasties in Elemental, Boats (outside of scenarios), Unique Tech Trees for each race, actual dungeon maps instead of the repurposed maps, more flexibility in Hero/Champion design (on the game end, not the coding end), and a good number of other things that have been mentioned numerous times.


And stop trying to clone Civ or (insert title)!


I dislike you for the following reasons:

  1. You appear to think that removing any features, no matter how "dumb," makes the game more shallow. I'd rather spend my time making real decisions and choices rather than brain-dead choices and navigating through systems that don't go well together. Everything that has been removed should have been removed, although perhaps these removals were not prioritized as well as they should have been.
  2. You seem to want LH to be more like E:WoM, which is one of the worst games I've ever played.

That said, you do have a point that the game should not be trying to clone anything else. It has distinct advantages which it should be utilizing.

on May 14, 2013

I have to agree here with tjashen.  I really liked the original game and with a few of the features of the newer versions added to it would have made for an amazing game.

Some simple things that could have been.  While I love the food/population system I have some things I wish could have been implemented with it or brought back.  Excess food converted to a exportable food instead of a faction bonus and then imported to a specific city since food is a finite resource.  One, or many, could be food exporters and one, many could be food importers which is the way it works in the real world.  The specialist system was absolutely brilliant and I would love to see it make a comeback as it solves support issues for population/troops/buildings.  Dynamic production values for population sizes should never have been cut in favor of flat values for city sizes as once you level a city up it just becomes a static value no matter if you have 1 person or 600.  Population is a resource and should be treated as such not a growth mechanic.  Some other simple things that could have been backported was the simple system for dodge versus accuracy.  This was very easy to understand and with the stat systems in E:WoM would have worked just fine.


Hmm the more I think about it the more I think many of us would like to be able to just either tinker with the more basic functionality of specific designs, basic stats, or have an updated patch for E:WoM which allows us to implement these changes back to it.  Or better yet bring the changes forward from E:WoM to FE/LH engine.

Let me reiterate what I have said before, I love this series but I wish it went the direction of E:WoM and not Civ with magic.

on May 14, 2013

I think you guys may be looking at WOM with rose colored glasses. The game was terrible, terrible, terrible. You don't have to take my word for it, just look at the reviews from critics and players alike. Fallen Enchantress and Legendary Heroes have greatly improved upon the original product. 

That being said, I do agree with the last few posters that it does seem like some of the neater features have been stripped out of the game over time, but those features were poorly implemented to begin with. The best case scenario for this series would have been to improve upon those features instead of cutting them and changing them, but overall, the things that are still left are at least done in the right manner and they actually work.

WOM felt like a gigantic jigsaw puzzle that was partially put together, the expansions feel like smaller jigsaw puzzles that are at least almost complete when they release.




on May 14, 2013

It's like talking to a wall.  Stardock's vision for this whole series is a strategy game with RPG elements.  There's no ambiguity there.  Frogboy has put that right on the table in this thread.  You may want this game to be X, but the people who are making this game do not want to do that. 

I know you think you're offering constructive criticism, but what you're doing is straight-up whining.

The hilarious thing is to read people saying that removing poorly-functioning mechanics like encumbrance or dynasties or weapon-type-damage is dumbing the game down.  When in reality the game has become more complex and more challenging every step of the way.  FE was better than WoM, not because it was simpler, but because it was more fun, more challenging, and more interesting in every way.  And the same is true when you compare FE to LH.  LH has been clearly the better game since the very first beta was released.

on May 14, 2013

Where were all these Elemetnal War of Magic fans back in 2010?  

This read is such a good example of revisionism. The original WOM was a mess. legendary Heroes is so much better because they went in and made e player's choices matter. 

on May 14, 2013

can't comment on WOM - never played it, but in my opinion, LH is a lot better than FE. can't really follow the theadstarters line of reasoning (if there's actually a line of reasoning in that post). had to laugh hard at the "balance is destroyed" comment (point 6). the balance in FE was nowhere near what we have now in LH. there may still be some issues, but for the most part, it's easy enough to not use the handful of obvious exploits if you're looking for a more balanced game. at least you can no longer win the game without even settling your first city.

also, judging the beta version of a game by the amount of bugs is just dumb. 

don't get the comment about boring early game either. in fact, if i had to name one strategy game with an interesting early game, it would be LH.





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