Yet another blog.
Published on October 25, 2008 By kwm1800 In Politics

Mr. Silver from wrote a article for McCain.


Well, other than the fact that there is whooping 5% chance to happen (wait, the chance has been lowered to 4.3% today), it is interesting to read. Here are some of my remarks.

1) Yes, he needs to give up PA. Just simply WTF he is doing there?

2) Ah, 'gaining back' (not 'defending' at this point) Virginia and North Carolina would take some efforts.

3) To be honest at this point, unless something like miracle happens or Obama makes stupid mistakes, the chances are extremely slim, too late for mere 10 days left. (4.3%!)

The latest result.

on Oct 26, 2008

Way for McCain to win election:

Become Barack Obama.



on Oct 26, 2008

Way for McCain to win election:

Become Barack Obama.



No, Barak Obama is only the second loser.  Almost any strong candidate from the democrats would be winning this in a walk.