Yet another blog.
Published on October 4, 2010 By kwm1800 In PC Gaming


Holy crap, this is prime example of "garbage". And they are charging 60$ for this.


Only saving grace is that they actually managed to optimize their game engine (smoother gameplay than BFBC2), but otherwise if you are buying this game, you are buying it for singleplayer.


No need of asking questions, just download it now and play yourself how bad this game is.

on Oct 05, 2010

I'¡ve been wanting to try this game. Is it that bad MP? Anyone know if there'll be a SP demo?

on Oct 05, 2010

Why is it garbage? You made a thread but didn't actualy post any evidence or reasons why you feel that way.


Me, I had fun with it.

on Oct 05, 2010

I tried to try it, but it would CTD a few seconds after launching the game, before it got to the main menu, so I deleted it Either way I'd have stuck with BC2.. destruction, lots of vehicle play, and huge objective-based maps are Win

on Oct 05, 2010

You shouldn't judge multiplayer based on a beta which is getting data on the MP process.

This game is pretty awesome.


on Oct 05, 2010

When's the open beta finished? I want to try it before this open beta expires.

on Oct 05, 2010

It ends on Oct 7th.

on Oct 05, 2010

Yea, I wasn't impressed. Guess I'll wait til Battlefield 3.

on Oct 06, 2010

I've yet to hear someone say what makes the game good, or at least worth playing over the other two titles that it's clearly trying to compete with. So it was developed in consultation with SFs. That's like, the only selling point I've heard or seen, and it's not even described what that does for the game.

Now where's that pic of MW2, BC2 and MoH side by side.....

on Oct 06, 2010

Its boring consolized shit and in 30 minutes I already saw at least 5 obvious cheaters (on PB "secured" servers).

on Oct 06, 2010


Everything is a uniform mud brown. It's next to impossible to distinguish friendlies from enemies other than the little triangle above their head. Recoil on the weapons is a joke. But most damning the level designs are simply terrible. Every map is a series of choke points and open fields. You're either sprinting out in the open being mowed down by campers or sitting on your ass aiming through a 2 inch gap in some rocks doing a bit of camping yourself. There are no alternate routes, not much in the way of destructible terrain, and limited ability to flank meaning there is little to no tactical depth.

They may be calling this a beta but it's really just a limited time demo for marketing purposes, there is no way they can fix the legion of problems that while individually minor add up to a very poor overall experience before release. Skip this and pick up BFBC2 if you haven't already, far superior play experience.

It may be realistic but it's not fun.

on Oct 06, 2010

Its not realistic.

on Oct 06, 2010

Well realistic in that it's set in a country where everything is coated in a uniform layer of dust making everything brown is realistic. Realistic in that M-16s have fairly low recoil when compared to how they are usually represented in games. Realistic in that most real world battlefields are not setup in dynamic and interesting configurations.

So in a lot of ways it is more realistic than something like BFBC2 with its brighter colors, weapons balanced towards game play, and contrived battlefields. It's just also a lot less fun.

on Oct 06, 2010

BFBC2 original or that new expansion ??

on Oct 06, 2010

I tried it and found it to be a stripped down version of Bad Company 2 (you can read my full opinion here).  If you're really into the real world setting, I suppose you might like it.  But other than that one reason, you're just better off going with BC2 which offers more for less.

on Oct 07, 2010

I really like this game. The shooting feels way better than in BC2.