The total dps of Vasari capital ships are significantly lower than TEC and Advent counterpart, with exception of the battleship (only 5 dps lower) and Advent siege cap case.
Can't believe it? Buy/Bring a calculator and check yourself. Typically Vasari one is 10 dps lower than TEC and Advent, or even 15 dps in some case.
See, every single good Vasari player only uses teh EGG! for their choice, which does not suffer lack of power thanks to nano-disassembler.... So I guess everyone was missing this fact.
I just don't see any possible rationale behind this.
And no, all ships gain same percentage of buff on dps when they level up (6% on damage, 2% on weapon cooldown reducion, while all battleships got 5% on damage, 3% on weapon cooldown reduction)