Yet another blog.
Published on April 22, 2013 By kwm1800 In PC Gaming


thing is. It just does not make any sense, with gearbox has zero experience with rts games. Or are they going to make fps homeworld?

still I hope for best outcome.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Apr 23, 2013

no offence.. but can anyone imagine him working on both his own game in a small team environment. and then get lumped with a big budget title.... rts no less? has he done rts before?

for that matter, why would stardock fund 2 bids?

on May 03, 2013

RIP Homeworld  

on May 03, 2013

My guess is Jon was going to be the lead on the not yet- announced game, though with Jon and Cari leaving I wonder if future Stardock plans are delayed.



on May 05, 2013

Gearbox and Blackbird Interactive (BBI) will be meeting up at E3. (joint development?)

on May 05, 2013


Gearbox and Blackbird Interactive (BBI) will be meeting up at E3. (joint development?)

Maybe something like EVE online/Dust 514 vibe? That sounds interesting...

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