Yet another blog.
Published on April 22, 2013 By kwm1800 In PC Gaming


thing is. It just does not make any sense, with gearbox has zero experience with rts games. Or are they going to make fps homeworld?

still I hope for best outcome.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 22, 2013

Duke Nukem Forever....

Alien: Colonial Marines...

Yeah... well s***.

on Apr 22, 2013

lol, funny thread on GB forum

Worst gaming news in ages

on Apr 22, 2013

I love how one of the first threads is "Don't **** this up!"

on Apr 22, 2013

Gearbox having their first Homeworld development meeting:

The specs aren't on the gray market, the black market or any other market. And all I keep hearing is there's never been a system like this. Now, I found out where they designed it, but I can't even get in the building! I've blown all my buy money, my bribe money, four of my best ID's and I am nowhere! Not only am I nowhere, I'm pretty sure I'm being followed.

on Apr 22, 2013

I really hope they don't mess it up, or I hope they mess it up so bad they sell it to Stardock  .

on Apr 22, 2013

I want Gearbox to succeed but their creditbility has shot down to pretty much nothing after Duke Nukem and ACM.

I am scared that Homeworld will be run down into a hole it can't climb back out.

on Apr 22, 2013

Is it possible they don't want to actually make a game with but hold on it to see if the increased visibility of the sale will drive the value up so that they can then resell it?  And if the visibility does not pan out they can then attempt to make something with it to recoup losses and then sell the IP again?

on Apr 22, 2013

If they wanted to do that, you'd never have heard about them buying it. Why sully the brand Gearbox by doing something like that?

on Apr 22, 2013

Money, it does strange things to businesses as well as people, they could just be greedy.  My opinion here is that more likely someone who is higher up in the game studios really liked the Homeworld series and wants to make something with it to call their own.

on Apr 22, 2013

Wow, talking about being way off the target...

on Apr 22, 2013


on Apr 22, 2013

He was referring to his unvoiced assumption on who owned the IP.

on Apr 22, 2013

What's sad is a company that doesn't do RTS outbid Stardock. Had they not stretched we'd be seeing what Stardock could do with the IP


on Apr 22, 2013

He was referring to his unvoiced assumption on who owned the IP

Thanks Psychoak. Exactly...

on Apr 22, 2013

What's sad is a company that doesn't do RTS outbid Stardock.

I know right!!! If Star dock and Paradox, known for space based RTS games and came short in the number 2 and 3 respectively in their bidding. Just how much (plus the kitchen sink), did they drop on Homeworld..?

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